
The Girls Q&A Book on Friendship

50 Ways to Fix a Friendship Without the DRAMA

by Annie Fox, illustrated by Erica De Chavez

• A new girl stole my bff! What do I do? • Why does she keep breaking promises? • Are they really “just kidding?” • Why is my friend being so mean? • How do I find new friends?! • Why are people mean to each other?

When you’ve got great questions like these, you need great answers—ASAP! But where do you find them? Right here in The Girls’ Q&A Book on Friendship: 50 Ways to Fix a Friendship Without the DRAMA.

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Annie Fox has written a book that gives 8–12-year-old girls the tools and confidence to handle any friendship challenge with courage, empathy and respect. Because that’s the kind of girl the world needs more of!

  • 50 puzzling friendship questions from real girls, each one insightfully illustrated
  • 50 clear answers to help you make your next best move
  • 25 Super Friend secrets from older girls
  • 5 Quizzes to test your friendship skills

The format is simple and straight-forward: 50 questions from real girls about real friendship challenges, each illustrated by Erica De Chavez to capture the sensitivity and yes, the often over-the-top drama of girls’ peer conflicts. Each question gets Annie’s very personal, “Here’s what you can do” answer. 8–12-year-old girls will love this book. Adults will, too, because the answers help them understand the inner workings of girls’ friendships so they can teach girls how to resolve their emotions and peer conflicts with empathy and compassion.


This free excerpt of The Girls Q&A Book on Friendship, includes the Introduction, Table of Contents, and first two Qs and As. Read it here, download it to your computer or ereader, or forward it to friends.


“A child can look at all the scenarios here, relate and then get really good advice that will help them feel better and handle their conflicts in a way that makes them feel good about themselves.”

—Rosalind Wiseman, author of Queen Bees and Wannabes

“If you have a daughter whose trying to navigate through the middle school years, you might want to check out Annie Fox’s helpful book …clearly written for girls, it would also be a helpful resource to parents and counselors looking to help young girls find positive ways to face their friendships difficulties.”

—Jennifer O’Donnell, Tweens Expert
About.com Parenting

“This book is gonna change not only the way you look at relationships, but how you counsel the kids in your care. No one ‘gets it’ like Annie, and I mean it.”

—Lynne Kenney, Psy.D., Pediatric Psychologist
co-author of Bloom, author of The Family Coach Method

“… all about ‘fixability’ when mindsets differ and things go sideways. … an easy to read browse, with a ‘by and for’ girls magazine tonality.”

—Amy Jussel, ShapingYouth.org

“I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! I can hardly think of a more needed reference for growing girls right when things are starting to get tough.”

—Beth Onufrak, Ph.D., DrBethKids.com

“Although the audience is young girls, the world would be a better place if everyone read it. Its 50 lessons are simply valuable reminders to all of us.”

—Rick Ackerly, author of The Genius in Every Child

“I’ll recommend this to every girl in my practice!”

—Deborah Gilboa, M.D. (AKA Ask DrG) author of Get the Behavior You Want… Without Being the Parent You Hate!

“… an invaluable resource for girls navigating their way through the sometimes tricky pathways of friendship. … a wide array of scenarios and offers clear, concise, and compassionate advice that will leave girls feeling empowered and resolved.”

—Jennifer Wider, M.D., co-author of Got Teens?

“This is so cool. I can just look up my problem and get the answer!”

—Priscilla, age 8

“This book is a great way for kids like me to find answers to questions and not feel like we are alone!”

—Ellye, age 10

“A great resource for parents and teachers and a book children will love.”

—Sarah Newton, author of
Help! My Teenager Is an Alien!

“… concrete suggestions written perfectly for young girls navigating the exciting and challenging world of friendships.”

—Amy Alamar, Ed.D, author of
Parenting for the GENIUS

“Annie Fox and (illustrator) Erica De Chavez set out to collaborate on a book about friendships, but what they’ve created is a book about community, and how we all exist and are important within it.”

—Meghan Gray, Joy Makin’ Mamas

“… does a great job planting seeds of insight that will help form a foundation of guidance that anyone can build upon throughout their life. Adults included”

—Dr.O, TheTeenDoc.com

“This book would have been SO helpful when I was in the 5th grade!”

—Kristin, age 12

“I sometimes think of these answers but I’m too shy to try so I like knowing my answers really might be right and I can feel more confident.”

—Callie, age 10